EMPowerplus™ Q96

$ 59.95

EMPowerplus Q96 contains a balanced blend of 36 essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids in optimum ratios for optimal brain function, mental clarity and enhanced mood in both children and adults.

An all-natural formula, EMPowerplus Q96 is the most researched micronutrient supplement in the world, and is unlike any other vitamin or mineral formula on the market, due to its proprietary formulation and technology.

The formula’s power comes from using only the highest quality nutrients, the correct dosage of individual ingredients, and the precise combinations of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that interact to enhance potency and effectiveness. A proprietary 96-hour nano-chelation and micronization process dramatically increases the bioavailability of micronutrients for maximum uptake in the brain.

Background Information

Micronutrients, which include essential vitamins and minerals, support critical functions in the brain and body, such as the maintenance of nerve cells and the regulation of neurotransmitters. Vitamin B12 helps maintain the myelin sheath outer layer coating on nerve cells, for example, and folic acid is essential for healthy serotonin levels.

The human brain needs a steady supply of micronutrients to function at its best, but many Americans don’t get adequate amounts in their standard diet. Deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals can have a negative impact both on cognitive performance and mood; for example, zinc deficiency can contribute to fatigue and irritability, and a shortage of thiamin may prevent production of important neurotransmitters. Research continues to show that the mind and body thrive when given the nutrients they need.

Key benefits:

  • Supports mood stability, improved cognition, and overall brain health
  • Helps sustain mental focus
  • Reduces mental and emotional distress
  • Nano-chelation and micronization process ensures increased bioavailability and maximum nutrient uptake in the brain
  • Gluten, dairy, soy, nut and egg free